Overcome Procrastination: The Secret RPG Hack for Success

Harness the power of emotional management to level up your productivity.

Overcome Procrastination: The Secret RPG Hack for Success

I have always had issues with procrastination at work. This isn’t just with hard tasks but with easy ones too. I understand now that the issue is not with time management or project management, but with managing my emotions. I need an emotional management system to help my brain not to spaz out when thinking about a task.

The following solution to my procrastination problem was created with Gemini, Claude, and ChatGPT AI tools. This process included providing these tools with my own thoughts about attachment and curating ideas from other websites (see the full source list at the bottom of the page). Learn more about my process here.

That procrastination problem you're dealing with? It's not laziness or poor time management. It's your brain trying to protect you. But here's the thing—you don't need that protection anymore. You need a way to transform that procrastination into productivity. And that's exactly what I'm going to show you today.

You've told me you're struggling with procrastination at work, even with easy tasks. You've realized it's not about time or project management - it's about managing your emotions. And you're right. What you need is an emotional management system to help your brain stop freaking out when you think about a task.

Well, guess what? I've got just the thing for you. It's called the RPG Method, and it's about to change your life. Are you ready to level up your productivity game?

Let's dive in.

Why Your Brain Treats Work Like a Saber-Toothed Tiger

First, let's talk about why you procrastinate. Imagine this: Your ancient ancestor is face-to-face with a predator. Their brain triggers the fight-or-flight response. Now, fast-forward to you, facing a boring report. Your brain? It's triggering the scroll-and-avoid response. Welcome to the wild world of your procrastinating mind.

Here's the deal: Our brains evolved for survival in a world drastically different from our current reality. Back then, immediate threats like predators or starvation were the main concerns.

Our ancestors who focused on present dangers rather than future possibilities were more likely to survive and pass on their genes[1].

This "present bias" served us well for thousands of years. But in our modern world? It leads to procrastination. Your ancestor's 'live for today' mindset ensured survival. Your 'scroll for today' habit? It's that same instinct running amok in our world of deadlines and Netflix.

When we face a challenging task, our brain often interprets it as a threat. It doesn't matter if the "threat" is just a boring report or a difficult conversation—our brain reacts as if we're facing a saber-toothed tiger[2].

To make ourselves feel better in the moment, we often turn to more pleasant activities. This is why you might find yourself scrolling through social media instead of working on that important project[3]. It's not laziness—it's your brain trying to protect you from perceived danger.

Common procrastination triggers include:

  • Overwhelming tasks: They paralyze us.
  • Unclear goals: They breed uncertainty.
  • Unpleasant jobs: We dodge them.

The Procrastination Trap: How Avoidance Breeds Guilt

Let me tell you something: Procrastination is a sneaky beast. You dodge a task, feeling momentary relief - but then guilt creeps in.

As stress mounts, that once-manageable task morphs into a monstrous challenge, driving you to avoid it even more. Round and round we go, trapped on a high-stakes emotional rollercoaster.

While procrastination might provide short-term relief, it often leads to long-term stress and guilt. We feel bad about not doing what we should, which adds to our stress. This increased stress makes the task seem even more daunting, leading to more procrastination. It's a vicious cycle[4].

This cycle can become deeply ingrained. Just like with substance addiction, the negative consequences pile up around us while we continue to seek that short-term relief[5].

But here's the good news:

Breaking free isn't about willpower. It's about managing your emotions.

And that's exactly what our RPG Method does.

Why Traditional Productivity Advice Fails

You've probably tried all sorts of productivity hacks before—making to-do lists, using time-blocking strategies, setting firm deadlines—and let me guess—they didn't work, right?

Here's why: These techniques often fail to address procrastination's root cause. Remember, procrastination isn't primarily about time management - it's about emotion management[6].

You might have also heard advice like "just do it" or "push through the discomfort." While well-intentioned, these approaches can make things worse. They ignore the emotional aspect of procrastination and can increase feelings of guilt and inadequacy when we inevitably struggle to follow through.

The RPG Method: Your Secret Weapon Against Procrastination

Alright, are you ready to revolutionize your approach to procrastination? The RPG Method doesn't just hack productivity - it gives you the emotional stability you need to tackle each task without freaking out. It's time to stop fighting your brain and start working with it.

RPG stands for Reframe, Plan, and Go. Let's break down each step:

Reframe: Transform Your Tasks into Epic Quests

Welcome to Reframing - the first step in the RPG Method. We're diving into two powerful techniques: Transformative Ambition and the Manager-Worker Split:

1. Transformative Ambition

This technique involves connecting your task to ambitious, innovative outcomes and visualizing the impact on others.

When faced with a task, challenge yourself to:

  1. Envision your revolutionary approach.
  2. Identify your key admirers.
  3. Visualize their amazed reactions.

For example, let's say you're creating a monthly sales report:

Transformative Ambition view: 

What if I create an AI-powered predictive dashboard that not only shows our sales data but forecasts future trends? I can picture our CEO's amazement when she sees how this tool could revolutionize our decision-making process. This isn't just a report; it's a game-changer that could position me as an innovator in the company.

This approach transforms procrastination into anticipation—you're no longer avoiding a task but eagerly working towards a moment of triumph and recognition.

[7] It turns everyday responsibilities into opportunities for innovation, admiration, and significant impact on others.[8] [9] You become the hero in your own professional journey, returning with an "elixir" that could transform your workplace or even your entire field.

2. The Manager-Worker Split

This technique helps you view your task from two distinct perspectives, making it feel more manageable and well-defined.

Here's how to apply the Manager-Worker Split:

Envision yourself as two separate entities: the Manager and the Worker.

As the Manager:

  • Define clear objectives
  • Create detailed frameworks
  • Gather necessary resources

As the Worker:

  • Follow the laid-out instructions
  • Focus solely on execution

Applying this to our monthly sales report:

Manager-Worker Split view:

As the Manager, I'll create a comprehensive template with sections for key performance indicators, trend analysis, and recommendations. As the Worker, I'll simply fill in this template, focusing on each step without worrying about the overall structure.

This reframe transforms a potentially overwhelming task into a clear, step-by-step process, addressing the "lack of clarity" trigger for procrastination.

Remember, the goal of reframing is to shift your perception of the task from something to avoid into something you're eager to tackle. By reframing your tasks in these ways, you're inspiring yourself to create something truly remarkable and setting yourself up for efficient, focused execution.

Plan: Build Your Step-by-Step Success Ladder

Forget boring to-do lists. We're building a Step-by-Step Success Ladder. Start with a step so small it's laughable, then build. Each rung you climb? A victory. Before you know it, you're not just completing a task - you're conquering a mountain.

For example:

  1. Open the document
  2. Write one sentence
  3. Write for 5 minutes
  4. Complete one paragraph
  5. And so on...

This approach reduces overwhelm and increases motivation.

Each small step you complete gives you a sense of progress, encouraging you to keep going[10].

Why does this work? You're not just climbing a task ladder - you're building a stairway of dopamine hits. Each step completed? Cha-ching! Another hit of 'I've got this' for your motivation bank.

Go: The One-Click Wonder Technique

Final step: Go. But we're not talking willpower here. This is the One-Click Wonder technique.

Make starting so ridiculously easy that your brain can't conjure an excuse. One click. That's all you commit to. That single click? It's your secret weapon against procrastination paralysis.

The idea is to make starting so easy that it requires almost no effort. For example:

  • Opening a document
  • Launching your email client
  • Starting a new chat on Slack
  • Creating a new spreadsheet
  • Opening your project management tool

That's it. Just one click. No pressure to actually write, respond, or analyze. Just open the relevant tool or document[11].


Once you've made that initial click, you've overcome the hardest part - getting started.

You'll often find yourself thinking, "Well, since I'm here, I might as well..." Before you know it, you're 15 minutes deep into your task.

This technique helps rewire your brain for action. Over time, you'll start to associate that single click with the positive feeling of accomplishment rather than the negative emotions that previously led to procrastination[12].

Remember, the goal isn't to complete the task in one sitting. It's to build a habit of starting. Each time you make that one click, you're strengthening your "starting muscle," making it easier to begin tasks in the future.

So, next time procrastination hits, don't think about the whole task. Just focus on that one click: Open the document, launch the app, and start the chat. That's all you need to do. Your future self will thank you for taking that first tiny step.

Putting It All Together: The RPG Method in Action

Let's apply the RPG Method to a real-life situation. Imagine you have a quarterly sales report due next week, but you've been putting it off.

1. Reframe: 

Use both reframing techniques to shift your perspective:

Transformative Ambition:

What if I create an interactive dashboard that provides real-time insights and predictions? I can picture our CEO showcasing it at the next board meeting, positioning our team as innovative leaders. This could revolutionize our decision-making process.

Manager-Worker Split:

As the Manager, I'll create a detailed template with sections for data visualization, trend analysis, and recommendations. As the Worker, I'll focus on filling in each section without worrying about the overall structure.

2. Plan: 

Break down this ambitious project into manageable steps:

  • Research dashboard creation tools and machine learning libraries
  • Gather and clean historical sales data
  • Design the dashboard layout
  • Implement basic data visualization
  • Develop and integrate predictive algorithms
  • Create an intuitive user interface
  • Test and refine the system
  • Prepare a presentation showcasing the new tool's capabilities

3. Go: 

Start with just one simple action: open your web browser and create a new Google Sheet (or open your preferred spreadsheet software). That's it. Just opening the sheet is enough to get started.

This tiny step makes it easy to overcome inertia and often leads naturally to the next small action.

Remember to apply this method to other tasks:

  • For a presentation: Reframe it as an opportunity to introduce a groundbreaking idea that could transform your industry. Imagine the audience's amazed reactions. Plan your key points and visuals. Start by jotting down your most innovative thoughts.
  • For a difficult conversation: Reframe it as a chance to develop a conflict resolution model that could be used company-wide. Envision HR praising your emotional intelligence. Plan your approach. Start by writing down one key point you want to convey.
  • For learning a new skill: Reframe it as the first step towards becoming a recognized expert in an emerging field. Picture yourself giving a TED talk on the subject. Plan your learning path. Start by watching one short tutorial video.

The RPG Method isn't just about getting things done. It's about revolutionizing your relationship with productivity. So next time that task looms large, remember:

  • Reframe it into an opportunity for greatness.
  • Plan your ascent to success.
  • And Go - even if it's just for one click.

Your future self? They're already thanking you.


  1. https://chriscordry.substack.com/p/procrastination-is-about-emotion 
  2. https://www.fastcompany.com/90357248/procrastination-is-an-emotional-problem 
  3. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200121-why-procrastination-is-about-managing-emotions-not-time 
  4. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200121-why-procrastination-is-about-managing-emotions-not-time 
  5. https://chriscordry.substack.com/p/procrastination-is-about-emotion 
  6. https://www.fastcompany.com/90357248/procrastination-is-an-emotional-problem 
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UnDjRJbcN0 
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlMntAt5uDI 
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjDQORjnpuA 
  10. https://www.fasterthannormal.co/newsletter-editions/how-to-use-activation-energy-to-master-procrastination 
  11. https://solvingprocrastination.com/emotion-regulation/ 
  12. https://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherrim/2019/03/28/how-to-defeat-procrastination-with-the-psychology-of-emotional-intelligence/