About me

Hi! My name is Dwayne, and I have problems. I have work problems, parenting problems, health problems, marriage problems, family problems, car problems, house problems, mental health problems, fitness problems, friend problems (cue Jay-Z: "I got 99 problems...", you know the rest).

Since the launch of ChatGPT, I've been passionate about AI and LLMs. This year, I started developing a pretty crazy AI writing process. So, I wanted to put it to the test and use ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini to create content that helps me solve problems in my life.

ai, fix my life is a play on the OWN Network show Iyanla, Fix My Life. Instead of Iyanla coming to my home and telling me how messed up my life is, I'm having AI do it. In the process, this gives me a platform to test my ideas about AI content.

My Process

Yes, AI is writing all of the site's content (except for this page). But I try to do it in a way that works. First, I have LLMs use the sources that I provide. I don't want to just rely on their knowledge, but to find new knowledge. Anytime it uses information from those sources, I mark it in a footnote.

I also run each post through Copyscape to check for plagiarism and fact-check stats, facts, and quotes.

The actual writing process is pretty extensive. Currently, I'm at about 20 steps that I have the LLMs do, including outline generation, developing a hook and thesis, and granular edits like checks for parallelism, active voice, redundancy, and sentence structure.

Each post will have a disclaimer that the content was written with AI.

The problems I'm having AI solve on the site are real problems I have. And I intend to create real solutions, not "Here are 10 ways to solve XYZ problem." So, while this is an experiment, this is also a really serious project for me.

Let Me Know What You Think

Like I said, this is an experiment, so I'd love to get your feedback. Connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/dwaynehogan/ or X @dwaynehogan.